Stainless Steel Sprockets

We share a full type of 304-grade stainless sprockets both as A-Plate design and B-Hub style. We maintain these on the shelf as regular stock bores. However, we are able to supply sprockets with finished bores thanks to our fast-reaction internal industrial machine store. Typiclly our sprockets are produced out of 304 grade stainless, but 316 as well as a few other grades are avaible upon reques

Custom Stainless Steel Sprockets

We are able to also supply a wide selection of specialty and double strand stainless steel sprockets. Of the examples below the sprocket on the still left is a dual strand roller chain sprocket and the sprocket on the proper is a specialized custom manufactured stainless sprocket that is utilized in a conveying program.

#25 STAINLESS Sprockets
#35 Stainless Steel Sprockets
#40 STAINLESS Sprockets
#50 STAINLESS Sprockets
#60 STAINLESS Sprockets
#80 Stainless Sprockets
#100 STAINLESS Sprockets
A-Plate STAINLESS Sprockets