500 CLASS BUCKET ELEVATOR CHAINS STAINLESS STEEL CHIAN(567/574/578/503/504/500/330) is a heavyweight, moderately priced chain able to handle average loads at slower or intermediate speeds. It is proportionately cast for stability, strength and long, efficient assistance, and comes in cottered building. The head of every pin is definitely notched to match the sidebar locking lug which keeps the pin from rotating when the chain is certainly used. Closed bearing structure makes 500 CLASS BUCKET ELEVA TOR CHAINS useful in conveying gritty and abrasive materials.
Manufactured in HZPT CHAINS, with a tensile power range from 12,500 to 40,000 pounds, 500 CLASS BUCKET ELEVATOR CHAINS is cautiously cored for pitch accuracy with soft bearing areas that decrease “break-in” wear causing pitch elongation.
500 CLASS BUCKET ELEVATOR CHAINS is available in a pitch selection of 2.32 to 6.30 Drive Chain inches with a complete range of Brutaloy or cast steel sprockets.
A large range of attachments are available to manage a multitude of applications. Styles K1,K2 ,F2 and G attachments can be found in correct and left hand links.
As a drive chain, 500 Course Pintle is designed to travel in the direction of the barrel end of the links;as an elevating or conveying chain, its direction of travel should be toward the open up ends of the links.
All 500 Course BUCKET ELEVATOR CHAINS is produced according to manufacturer’s specifications and is totally interchangeable.